ACL Unbroken 

Your Complete Mental & Physical Recovery Guide with experts Dr. Catherine Logan &

Emily Perrin, LMSW


ACL Unbroken is Your Complete Guide to ACL Injury Recovery


As two professionals who help professional and collegiate athletes succeed throughout their athletic journey, Catherine & Emily, are well versed in the advancements of injury prevention, strength and conditioning, nutrition, mental health & performance,  recovery & rehabilitation.

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Sports Rehab & Physical Recovery 

As an Orthopaedic Sports Surgeon and former physical therapist & personal trainer, Dr. Logan brings a unique expertise to ACL injury recovery.

Mental Wellness & Performance

Emily Perrin, LMSW is a former D1 athlete and has worked with top professional and collegiate athletes through mindfulness, meditation, breath work and yoga helps athletes holistically address their mental health, performance and overall well being.

Nutrition & Sleep Guidance 

ACL Unbroken includes our recommendations on peri and post-operative nutrition guidance to maximize recovery. We also share tips and tricks to help you get a better sleep while you recovery.  

Recovery & Meditation Techniques

Receive our ACL Unbroken tips and techniques in a multi-media fashion. We have compiled video and audio files, as well as downloadable files to provide a comprehensive guide for your recovery. Also expect guest blogs from our multi-talented friends & colleagues in sports medicine. and many surprises along the way!

ACL Unbroken Unlock your Recovery: 2 Purchase Options 

One Payment


ACL Unbroken Complete Guide

  • Full, unlimited access to ACL Unbroken 
  • One time payment at discounted price

Three Payments

$29/mos x 3 mos

ACL Unbroken Complete Guide

  • Full, unlimited access to ACL Unbroken 
  • Payment spread over 3 months