Celebrating the Non-Physical Wins of Recovery

Don't forget to celebrate the non-physical wins of injury recovery. Focus on these wins as well - they will be equally important to your ultimate recovery.

  • Mental Resilience Milestones: Recovery isn’t just physical—acknowledge improvements in your mental and emotional resilience as well. Celebrate when you handle setbacks with a positive attitude or when you successfully practice mindfulness or positive self-talk.
  • New Skills: If you’re using your recovery period to develop other skills or interests (e.g., learning more about the mental side of your sport or expanding your knowledge in other areas), celebrate these personal growth moments too.

Tip: Reflect on the emotional or mental wins in your journal, such as increased patience, positive mindset shifts, or moments of self-compassion.

Celebrate (the Non-Physical) Wins with Your Rehab Team

  • Involve Your Therapist or Coach: Share your small wins with your physical therapist, athletic trainer, or coach. These professionals are invested in your progress, and celebrating together can strengthen your motivation.
  • Receive Positive Feedback: Hearing positive reinforcement from your rehab team helps reaffirm that you’re on the right track. Let their feedback fuel your next milestone.

Tip: Ask your therapist to note improvements, even if they’re small. Their expertise can help you see progress that may not be obvious to you.

Create Visual Reminders of Progress

  • Use a Progress Chart: Keep a visual chart, checklist, or graph of your PHYSICAL & MENTAL recovery milestones on a board or app where you can easily see it. Check off each achievement, no matter how small.

Reflect on Your Achievements

  • Practice Gratitude: Take a moment each week to reflect on what you’re grateful for in your recovery process. This can be as simple as being able to walk more comfortably, gaining more confidence, or seeing progress in strength exercises.
  • Recognize the Bigger Picture: Celebrate the fact that each small win is a step toward getting back to your sport. Reflect on how these achievements are bringing you closer to your ultimate goal.