Fear of Reinjury Is the Leading Reason for Failure to Return to Competitive Sport Sep 22, 2023

Many of our patients are athletes, and a goal is to help these athletes return to their preinjury level of activity or sport. The focus of injury management and recovery is often on...

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Sports Science: What is Load Management recovery sports science Sep 02, 2023

What is Load Management? 

"Load management" is the practice of resting players for entire games, even though they are healthy enough to play. The idea is that these players will get...

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Nutrition: Blueberries for Muscle Recovery blueberries muscle recovery nutrition Sep 02, 2023

What's on my mind? Blueberries.

Post-workout, you’re on autopilot to grab a protein bar or shake. But protein powder or bars alone doesn’t provide enough to attack those aching...

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